
Whiplash is a neck injury that occurs due to a sudden back-and-forth movement of the neck, often resulting from a sudden impact or jerking motion. It commonly happens in car accidents but can also occur during contact sports or physical assaults. Whiplash strains the neck’s muscles and ligaments, causing pain and restricted movement.

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              Five things you can do to help yourself:

    • Rest and Ice: Initially, rest the neck and apply ice packs for 15-20 minutes at a time to reduce swelling.
    • Pain Management: Over-the-counter pain medications, as advised by a healthcare professional, can help manage pain and inflammation.
    • Gentle Exercises: Perform gentle neck exercises and stretches to gradually improve range of motion. Avoid overexertion.
    • Heat Therapy: After a few days, switch to heat therapy, using warm compresses or taking warm showers to relax tense muscles.
    • Physical Therapy: Seek physical therapy to learn specific exercises and techniques that aid in recovery and strengthen neck muscles.


Reasons why you need to get it checked out:

  • Hidden Injuries: Sometimes, whiplash injuries can have delayed onset symptoms or underlying issues such as spinal misalignment, nerve damage, or herniated discs that require professional diagnosis.
  • Prevent Chronic Pain: Addressing whiplash early can prevent the development of chronic neck pain and long-term mobility issues.
  • Customised Treatment: Healthcare professionals can provide a tailored treatment plan that may involve physical therapy, chiropractic care, or in severe cases, medication or injections to manage pain and promote healing.